Parameters: α, β & γ
Initial Parameters for
Initially, we will be using three (3) main parameters for evaluating an individual’s Peer Value (Global Reputation):
The Centrality of the contribution of a Participant across their Hubs.
The Betweenness (Interconnection) of a Participant respect to their peers.
The Variety in the Contributions delivered by a Participant across all their Hubs.
On a concrete level, they also identify the main "archetypes" of a value-contributor:
The Pillar ( )
The Socialite ( )
The Polymath ( )
From these parameters, we can simplify the general formula as:
is the Peer Value of Participant j across all their Hubs in the set .
is the Centrality of j's Participation Score (PS) in all their Hubs.
is the Interconnection (Betweenness) of j with their peers.
is the variety of j’s contributions across their Hubs
The dominant parameter will determine the Archetype of the Contributor j.
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