Problems with traditional Local Reputation parameters
In traditional research, parameters tend to be subjective (e.g., Social graphs; social reviews) - with inconclusive results, generating systems with very little standardization and accuracy, while at the same time allowing very little customization. On the other hand, in practical engineering and system design, the early years of the internet (web “1.0”, web “2.0”, etc.) showed a tendency to build systems that are - yes, rigorous on one side, but forcing users to adapt to system’s rules, rather than systems adapting to users’ behavior.
Both have their merit - but, in order to move past “instant gratification,” a solid “humane” system design needs to aim for highest possible degree of abstraction and flexibility (resilience over robustness), while utilizing parameters that reflect the human value provided by the participating parties / actors involved.
In a nutshell:
The system needs to be designed for long-term results (no instant gratification / social proof)
Everything needs to be measurable, and follow a rigorous first principles, scientific method. Meaning that the subjectivity should come “locally” from the customization of parameters, not from the parameters themselves.
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