Game Theory of Reputation Mining

Reputation Mining creates a positive feedback loop where your monthly $AUT allocation is based on your Peer Value, which in itself depends on your continued participation and contribution.

To claim these rewards, you must actively use them in the ecosystem - at least 60% of your c-AUT allocation within the following period.

This creates an elegant "use-it-or-lose-it" dynamic where:

  • Higher participation leads to higher Peer Value

  • Higher Peer Value leads to larger allocations

  • Larger allocations require more ecosystem activity

  • More ecosystem activity increases Peer Value

The cycle reinforces itself - the more you contribute, the more you can earn, but only if you keep contributing. This mechanism rewards active participants who consistently add value to the ecosystem, and encourages the long-term creation of value - while passive holders, money-grabbers or speculators are spontaneously "pruned out" of the system.

Last updated


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