Unrealized Rep as a Collateral (URRC)

  • ĀutID holders can borrow additional $AUT against their anticipated future reputation. This functions like Futures: you "bet" your reputation at a given time (payout period) will be X; anything less than X will reduce your Reputation.

  • The borrowed amount is based on the predicted increase in their Peer Value (υ\upsilon) and is retained progressively, based on the monthly distribution of $AUT (based on the Peer Value υ\upsilon of an individual ĀutID holder). This can be viewed as a Peer Value-based repayment plan for a Grant or non-repayable Loan.

Framework Design

The Unrealized Reputation-Collateralized (URRC) Grants mechanism enables individuals to receive non-collateralized grants leveraging their anticipated future Peer Value (υ\upsilon) — given by their contributions and standing within their Hubs and the network as a whole.

The collateral for these instant grants uses υ\upsilon, and the mechanism relies on predictive values of an individual's Peer Value to calculate the size of the grant for which they are eligible. This powers a sophisticated financial instrument that fosters meritocratic innovation and support.

Last updated


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