
Each Hub has its own internal dynamics, and a Roles division within their Members (i.e.: dev, curator, DAO operator, …).

Āut brings Roles directly on-chain, as an expansion of the Hub Contract.

Roles always come in sets of 3 to keep balance between members. By deploying a Hub, you can leverage on Roles both for Governance (i.e.: role-weighted governance) and Coordination (i.e.: creating a Task on-chain and assigning it to a specific Role).

The main value of Āut is to be able to expand the concept of DAO - from a list of 0x… addresses, to a functional, coordinated group of individuals willing to create and achieve something together. Sort of “The sum is greater than its parties” law apply to code.

We do that through the addition of Roles, directly at contract level.

Hubs use roles to define the different types of tasks and responsibilities that Members can have within the organization. Roles are defined by the Hub's smart contract and are typically created by the Hub's founders or by Core Team Members / Admins / Operators who have the necessary permissions.

Roles are claimed by the Members themselves, based on their skills, expertise, or passions, and they can be edited at will to suit the needs of the organization.

Roles are important because they allow Members to take on specific tasks and responsibilities within the organization, and they provide a way for the Hub to track and measure the contributions of / the value added by individual Members. Roles also play a key role in the decision-making process, as Members with certain Roles may have more influence or voting power than others in field-specific voting routines (i.e.: Devs in tech decisions, Artists in creative decisions, and so on).

You may see a Role is a “self-sovereign label”, that Members choose when they join a Community. Any time a new Task, Community Gathering, or Voting Routine is created - they can be assigned to a specific Role, allowing easier coordination, and purposeful, non-hierarchical cooperation.

Roles exist directly on-chain, and complement the concepts of Contribution and Commitment.

Combined, they allow the possibility for Member’s individual Reputation to exist on a Network level.

Last updated