Bitmart, MEXC, Gate.io - others.
Three months of campaigns & opportunities for investors to earn up to 75% yield for locking $AUT.
A mechanism for token holders to propose and vote for improvements, changes, activities and directions of the $AUT ecosystem.
Progressively unrolls all the Interactions eligible for the Āutonomous Airdrop.
A 4-year long distribution of $AUT to active community participants, every 28 days - for a total of 36% of the Total Supply.
Interaction Builder
$AUT introduces new, reputation-based dynamics to power a value-centered economy, where Web3 contributors are rewarded based on the commitment and participation to their communities (Hubs) - in different roles, availability and effort.
It's the first token-based economy that rewards contributors based on the value that each individual adds to their Hubs and the decentralized internet at large - through their participation, P2P interactions, and the tasks that they complete in each of their decentralized projects and communities.
100.000.000 tokens (100 M $AUT)
Tokens for Sale
Reputation Mining
Founders & Early Investors
Team & Early Contributors
Ecosystem & Treasury
KOLs & Partners
DEX/CEX Listing & MMs
Reputation Mining is a brand new mechanism for distributing Community Rewards.
ĀutID holders receive a monthly allocation of $AUT proportional to their Peer Value () score within the Āut ecosystem.
It has intrinsic utility, plus a monthly recurrence to give people "something to wait for" and motivate them to participate and contribute to the community.
Over the course of four (4) years, the $AUT token is distributed to active ecosystem participants based on their Peer Value.
Instead of traditional mining, or staking, or other short-term forms of engagement - Reputation Mining rewards Web3 contributors based on the value that they bring, continuously, to the entire Ecosystem through tasks & contributions across their Hubs.
Each period (28 days), ĀutID holders receive an allocation of conditional AUT tokens ($c-AUT) proportional to their Peer Value. The allocated c-AUT must be used within the ecosystem - at least 60% within the following period - to be converted to $AUT.
Distribution follows a fixed schedule:
First 2 years: 500,000 $AUT per month
Years 3-4: 1,000,000 $AUT per month
This creates an incentive structure where:
Distribution is merit-based through Peer Value
Rewards require active ecosystem participation
Long-term engagement is incentivized
$AUT tokens distributed through Reputation Mining are designed to be distributed monthly (see Distribution Formula) and “vested” for each period’s duration (28 days).
During the Vesting period, tokens can’t be withdrawn or sold - but they can, and should, be used within Āut’s ecosystem (see Token Utility)
We've designed and implemented a novel mechanism for this process, inspired by yield-bearing and restaking asset classes.
This new primitive, which we call c-LST (conditional Liquid Staking Token), allows receivers of a specific token distribution (in this case, $AUT) to use $c-AUT within secure, whitelisted dApps and contracts before the actual $AUT amount is unlocked and received.
If, at the end of the following period, the user has "staked" (= used) 60% or more of their $c-AUT, they will be able to convert the c-Token to the actual $AUT in a 1:1 ratio, and claim it.
The “burning” / conditional mechanism is a vesting process, that creates a deflationary effect, and pushes people to engage. With built-in engagement.
A grand total of 40% of $AUT's Total Supply is reserved for active Web3 participants over the course of 4 years.
Reputation Mining (RM)
Āutonomous Airdrop: it’s an airdrop based on Retroactive Participation (RP).
It’s equivalent to 4% of the total Token Supply, and 10% (4 M) of the supply locked for Community Rewards (40 M)
In order to claim their airdropped $ĀUT, users need to:
participate to one of eligible Ecoosystem Interactions
join a Hub, state Commitment and choose Role
claim their ĀutID
verify completion of Tasks/Web3 Interactions completed in the past (before snapshot):
RP (Retroactive Participation), in the ratio:
Up to 42 $AUT per participant, till completion of Āutonomous Airdrop (about 100 000 new $AUT holders)
The first year reputation mining defines the distribution of $AUT to the community during the first year (12 months).
0.5 M $AUT per month, for 12 months, for a total of 6 M.
Distributed based on , following the Distribution Formula.
defines the distribution of $AUT to the community during the second year (12 months).
0.5 M $AUT per month, for 12 months, for a total of 6 M.
Distributed based on , following the Distribution Formula.
defines the distribution of $AUT to the community during the third year (12 months).
1 M $AUT per month, for 12 months, for a total of 12 M.
Distributed based on , following the Distribution Formula.
defines the distribution of $AUT to the community during the fourth year (12 months).
1 M $AUT per month, for 12 months, for a total of 12 M.
Distributed based on , following the Distribution Formula.
Private & Public Sales
7 Mln.
3-month cliff, 6-month linear vesting
Apr '25
4 Mln.
Jun '25
Reputation Mining
36 Mln.
1-month cliff, 48-month linear distribution to community
Jul '25 - Jun '29
Founder & Early-stage Investors
10 Mln.
3-month cliff, 6-month linear vesting
Apr '25
Team & Early Contributors
5 Mln.
3-month cliff, 6-month linear vesting
Apr '25
Treasury & Ecosystem
25 Mln.
3-month cliff
Apr '25
KOLs & Advisors
5 Mln.
3-month cliff, 6-month linear vesting
Apr '25
Listing & Market-makers
8 Mln.
Direct liquidity
Apr - May '25
The Āutonomous Airdrop is $AUT's 4 Million distribution to reward early ecosystem participants.
Each of the eligible participants will be rewarded based on a transparent and accountable formula:
This formula describes how every participant with an ĀutID will receive an amount of $AUT equal to their relative Participation-coefficient across the Interactions available in the ecosystem - up to 40 $AUT.
We define “interaction” (unironically, an iota → ) as an activity in the Āut ecosystem - including:
investing in one of our public token sales
participating in our Zealy Testnet campaign
participating in our Zealy Main net campaign
joining the Ambassador program
being an eligible Hub Operator
being an active, contributing member in one of the eligible Hubs.
In the formula, is the relative Participation-coefficient of an eligible participant to the airdrop, calculated as:
is the amount of points () gained by a Participant (i) across all the eligible Interactions ().
is the total amount of Points gained by all eligible Participants across all Interactions () in the ecosystem.
From this we can calculate the of a Participant (i) as:
that simply calculates the relative Contribution Points of a Participant in each one of the ecosystem Interactions () and multiplies it by the total amount of interactions available.
is the Interaction itself (as described above)
is the relative amount of Contribution Points that the eligible participant gained in that interaction, with the relative value of CP calculated as :
the Contribution Points gained by Participant (i) in Interaction (), divided by the total amount of points gained by all eligible Participants in that specific Ecosystem Interaction ().
The token has been designed to have built-in utility in Āut Labs ecosystem - both today (Launchpad, HubOS, Showcase, ĀutOS) and in future products in the Āut ecosystem.
It can be used for five (5) main purposes:
RepFi financial instruments (cLST, Peer Staking & URRC)
ĀIP: Āut Improvement Proposals
on ĀutOS:
unlocking existing ID plugins and creating new ones
creating and monetizing Interactions in the Interaction Builder
on HubOS:
faster record updates (changes in Hub's parameters)
in-Hub governance + expansions
integrating and creating new Modules
for dev & infra:
API & SDK utilization (in-Hub)
to build new RepFi instruments & Āutonomous dApps.
Each period, the allocation of $AUT is calculated through:
where is the fractional Peer Value ( ) of an individual respect to the Peer Values of all other ĀutID holders.
The fractional Peer Value is calculated as:
which is exactly the same, but looks much prettier.
This formula distributes to each ĀutID holder an individual share of the Periodic distribution of $AUT - based on their Peer Value respect to the Peer Value of all holders.
Being based on a , it also verifies that the amount received by an individual won’t exceed the cap set for the monthly distribution.
is the monthly distribution of $AUT to the individual ĀutID holder .
is the Peer Value of the ĀutID holder .
is the total Peer Value of all ĀutID holders.
is the total amount of $AUT allocated for distribution in that particular month.
is the maximum amount of $AUT that any individual ĀutID holder can receive in a Period.
Reputation Mining creates a positive feedback loop where your monthly $AUT allocation is based on your Peer Value, which in itself depends on your continued participation and contribution.
To claim these rewards, you must actively use them in the ecosystem - at least 60% of your c-AUT allocation within the following period.
This creates an elegant "use-it-or-lose-it" dynamic where:
Higher participation leads to higher Peer Value
Higher Peer Value leads to larger allocations
Larger allocations require more ecosystem activity
More ecosystem activity increases Peer Value
The cycle reinforces itself - the more you contribute, the more you can earn, but only if you keep contributing. This mechanism rewards active participants who consistently add value to the ecosystem, and encourages the long-term creation of value - while passive holders, money-grabbers or speculators are spontaneously "pruned out" of the system.
The $AUT token powers RepFi, Reputation Finance - a new paradigm in decentralized finance where reputation, and value-produced, are the foundation for financial instruments. Unlike traditional DeFi that relies primarily on asset collateralization, RepFi uses quantified reputation metrics - especially Peer Value () - to let anyone take part in financial opportunities based on their merit, value and participation, rather than their wealth.
Through RepFi, someone's reputation, someone's participation becomes a tangible, monetizable asset: measurable, composable, and capable of generating value.
The enables this through multiple RepFi instruments, starting with:
Predictive Social Investments (Peer Staking) - Stake on others' future reputation growth
Unrealized Reputation as Collateral (URRC) - Borrow $AUT against your future reputation
Cross-Hub Investment - Hubs can invest in each other's success using metrics
These instruments create the foundation for the Peer Economy, an economy based on value, rather than wealth.
Peer Staking is a gamified investment mechanism where individuals can stake $AUT, predicting the growth of other members' Peer Value (). It works as a social prediction market-making instrument, where Stakers can select the extent and the risk profile of their predictions, and are rewarded/slashed based on the accuracy of their predictions.
Holders can stake $AUT on the "future success" of other ĀutID holders (the growth of their Peer Value, ).
Game-theoretical approach to strategic investments in Hub contributors based on their potential to grow their reputation within the ecosystem.
Investments are possible only on stakees whose ĀutID is 5 periods or older.
The period (D) of Staker's prediction needs to be lower or equal to the Age (A) of Stakee’s ĀutID.
The stake needs to be equal to or lower than the monthly reward of the staker.
Basic "bookmaker" model for successful stake - rewarded in $AUT.
The loss is proportional, meaning that it depends on the closeness of the forecast of the Staker to the final Peer Value achieved by the Stakee.
In case of loss, 80% of slashed $AUT is burned, and 20% returns to the Treasury to be re-circulated in the ecosystem.
: The amount of $AUT staked by a Participant (Staker) on one of their Peers (Stakee).
: The duration of the staking period as predicted by the Staker.
: The "age" of the ĀutID of the stakee (j), represented by the sum of all periods in their Peer Value () history ( ).
: represents the amount of segments in which stakee’s Peer Value’s growth was equal to or greater than the predicted Growth.
is the Expected Growth of stakee’s Peer Value made by the Staker.
: the amount of continuous segments of periods T, of the same length of D.
Calculated as: , where:
is a “segment”: defined as a discrete series of periods in sequence - of the same extent of Staker’s prediction.
: a coefficient representing the likelihood/difficulty of the Stakee to achieve or exceed the predicted growth (EG) of their Peer Value. Calculated as:
or again, in prettier form:
is the reward in $AUT to be given if the stake is successful.
= $AUT losses
$AUT introduces a new model where the token value (both in usage and opportunity) is conditional to Reputation and Participation. It's aligned with Āut’s general ethos, and it makes it an actual "protocol token" with built-in utility, "virality" and opportunity for meritocratic success.
As well as making the token an actual financial product that uses Āut’s formulæ, instead of a quick, baseless "sell-out" such as regular Governance tokens.
ĀutID holders can borrow additional $AUT against their anticipated future reputation. This functions like Futures: you "bet" your reputation at a given time (payout period) will be X; anything less than X will reduce your Reputation.
The borrowed amount is based on the predicted increase in their Peer Value () and is retained progressively, based on the monthly distribution of $AUT (based on the Peer Value of an individual ĀutID holder). This can be viewed as a Peer Value-based repayment plan for a Grant or non-repayable Loan.
The Unrealized Reputation-Collateralized (URRC) Grants mechanism enables individuals to receive non-collateralized grants leveraging their anticipated future Peer Value () — given by their contributions and standing within their Hubs and the network as a whole.
The collateral for these instant grants uses , and the mechanism relies on predictive values of an individual's Peer Value to calculate the size of the grant for which they are eligible. This powers a sophisticated financial instrument that fosters meritocratic innovation and support.